Jewellers Drawbench
Here at Cooksongold we stock a range of professional jewellers workshop equipment including a range of drawbenches from industry leading brands including Durston. Designed to work with drawplates, drawbenches make it easier to draw smooth and consistently sized jewellery wire.
We stock a selection of Durston drawbenches including tabletop drawbenches and larger standing drawbenches. To use your drawbench, simply wind the handle and draw tongs will pull wire through your draw plate of choice, giving you consistent and effortless results, every time. All of our drawbenches are supplied with draw tongs.
Shop the range of professional drawbenches for your workshop today and don’t forget to browse our range of
drawplates as well as our other jewellers tools today. For advice on selecting the right draw bench for you, contact our expert team today on 0345 100 1122.